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Last Updated on March 5, 2021 by NandiNN

How to get traffic to your blog for free

If you have just started your site and you are wondering how to get your blog noticed in 2021 to increase page views, then you have come to the right place. 

I know how frustrating it can be to write an epic blog post and then have no one read it.

So naturally, your next step after publishing the post is to get it out there and promote it as much as possible.  

What is the point of doing all this upfront work if no one is going to check it out? 

But how exactly do you get your blog noticed?

The truth is, there are a couple of amazing ways you could use to increase website traffic and get your blog noticed.

No one way works, you will have to try out a few different strategies, tweak and challenge until you find what works for you. 

By following our steps and strategies, you will have your blog noticed in no time. 

Before we get started, let me ask you this:

Why do you want to get your blog noticed? Why do you want that blog traffic? 

By truly understanding this, you can better prioritize your blog and put the effort where needed.

Personally, I have a couple of my own reasons why I would want people to read my blog – here is mine:

  • I would like to have more readers sign up for my mailing list 
  • I would like to have more sales of my products such as this one
  • I want to get more affiliate sales
  • I would like to connect with my readers more
  • And I would like to help every reader that lands on my blog

I am going to say this, the fastest way to get more blog traffic is to get yourself educated in what is required to get your blog noticed.

Trying to guess what works and what doesn’t is a total waste of time and money! 

Ready to learn how to get traffic to a new blog?

I would suggest starting out with this FREE Blog Traffic Bonus Guide from Adventures in Blogging.

It is also very important to understand that blogging is a long-term plan. 

Don’t expect to write 5 or even 10 blog posts and expect to get a lot of views. This is nothing against you and it does not mean that people don’t love what you are writing about. 

It just takes a lot longer to see the results you may want. 

In the meantime, we really wanted to outline some of the best ways you could start getting your blog noticed by putting some strategies into place.

This will work even if you are a new blogger! 

Here are a few questions I am hoping to answer today:

So what are our next tips on how to get your blog out there?

Before we get started on our best tips to get your blog noticed, we would love for you to join our growing Facebook group right here! Be sure to give us a quick follow on Instagram as well! 

We also wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that we use Affiliate links on some of our blog posts. This means that we could make a commission if you click on an affiliate link and purchase something. Please check out our full disclaimer and policy page here.

If you are ready to grow your blog and turn it into a serious business, then you are in the right place.

Grab your blog planner and take some serious notes as we are about to share some epic strategies for growth! 

21 Ways to Get Your Blog Noticed Effortlessly 

Here are few amazing ways how to get your blog noticed. How to get your blog noticed when you’re brand new. Starting a blog is hard, you write a lot of great content, but no one is visiting. Learning how to get your blog seen is challenging. Here are 21 things you can do to learn how to get your blog out there to help you learn how to turn your blog into a business #getyourblognoticed #getreaders #blogtraffic1. Be Consistent With Your Blog Content Creation

My number one tip for getting your blog noticed is to be consistent when creating content. 

Content is king and you want to pump out content as consistent as you can be.

Note that I am not saying to create content all the time, instead we want you to be consistent. If you opt on creating epic content once a week, stick to that schedule. 

If you want to do it bi-weekly or even once a month, do just that. 

The key is consistency. 

This is also one of the best ways on how to get your blog noticed by Google. 

The more often and the more consistent you are, the more Google will learn your pattern and crawl your site. 

Keep in mind that it could take as little as 4 days to even 6 months before Google can rank your site.

It also depends on a lot of different factors that determine how fast you can get indexed by Google. 

I found that not using the proper keywords can deter you from properly ranking. So be sure your keyword research is on point!

But above all, just keep it consistent. 

Don’t forget to grab our FREE Blog Planner to help you with consistency! 

Free blog planner for blogs. best planner for bloggers!
Blog planner

2. Using the Right Keywords for Ranking

As I mentioned earlier, be sure to use the right keywords on your blog. 

I personally use a keyword research tool as this leaves me with little to no guesswork when it comes to picking the right keyword!

But you can also just use Google to determine your keywords. 

The only thing is that you would be guessing most of the time. 

If there are bigger bloggers plastered all over Google when you type in your suggested keywords, you might not rank for it depending on your on-page strategy. 

I use this KeySearch tool for all my keyword research, and I have never looked back.

I appreciate how much easier my blogging life has become since using it (use KSDISC for 20% off).

I personally took an SEO course (in fact, I took two great SEO courses) and that is how I am able to come up with great search terms to help me get my blog noticed on Google. 

The best SEO Courses for bloggers if you are interested in taking your blog to the next level are:

If you want to improve your SEO quickly, sign up for this free SEO quick starter Pack and this traffic mini blog traffic challenge!

You can also sign up for this awesome FREE SEO blogging course if you are eager to get a head start.

3. Focus ON-Page SEO 

If you are a beginner blogger and you have no idea how to get your blog noticed, I suggest focusing on your ON-page SEO strategies.

To be honest with you, SEO traffic is more valuable than social media traffic. Once you get SEO traffic it can last for years and years to come.  

Knowing exactly where to put your keywords and how to write blog posts that rank on Google is extremely important to your success as a blogger. 

Debbie, a good friend of mine will help you when it comes to easy ON-Page SEO optimization.

This way you can quickly get your blog noticed and start getting good traffic. This also means you will be able to make money much quicker. 

4. Get Your Blog Noticed By Improving Your Domain Authority 

What is your current Domain Authority? 

To check your domain authority, you can go ahead and use this free resource to see how well your Domain Authority is

But what is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs).

A Domain Authority score ranges from one to 100, the higher you are, the more chances of ranking on Google. 

In other words, you want to improve how well your overall brand is known by becoming an expert on what you blog about. 

The more people link to you, talk about you and even reference you, the more brand awareness and authority you will have online. 

Ideally, you want to have so much authority that people naturally link to you and reference you. 

Some of the best ways to get your authority up are to grow your backlink profile (this means having your site linked to other authority sites as much as possible).

Remember, you only want quality backlinks! 

You can jump-start your success of building backlinks for SEO by guest posting on bigger sites, using H.A.R.O to submit answers, and improving your speed. 

It takes a while to improve your DA, but keep working on it. 

Neil Patel has a great article on how to boost your Domain Authority by 5 points in 2 Weeks

I also use this tool that has over 31 amazing ways to build backlinks

How to build easy backlinks for SEO

Build Easy Backlinks for SEO today!

5. Improve your E.A.T

What exactly is E.A.T and how can you use it to improve your blog in order to get noticed on the internet? 

If you are not familiar with this term, you really need to read up on it and use the different strategies available to better align your blog with it. 

“E-A-T stands for “Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness.”

  • Expertise – As you know, whatever you blog about, you need to ensure that you are an expert in that field. This can be done by showing your skills when you create content as well as mentioning that within your content. For example, I have various skills and I have gone to college for several things. With my wedding planning background, I started a wedding blog. E.A.T is very important especially for bloggers that blog about medical, financial, or legal things. Most sites can show expertise if the content is truthful and useful for readers.
  • Authoritativeness – You will also need to show that you are an authority in your niche. This is usually established with your writing, but joining a community page or forum and sharing your expertise is a good way. You can also do a couple of expert roundup posts on your blog to show authority on a topic. Sharing your credentials as well as personal experience is also very important. 
  • Trustworthiness – Another way to improve your chances of having Google trust you is to show your readers that they can trust you and your content. This is really important especially if you sell things on your blog whether it is physical or digital products. This is because they are entering sensitive information such as credit cards. You want people to feel safe when they land on your blog.  Definitely have an SSL certificate on your site to start! 

If your website is not reflecting any E.A.T signals, make sure to work on it. 

Google has stated that they take E-A-T into considerations when grading a Page Quality. Be sure to read more on E.A.T! 

6. Write a Guest Blog Post

I already briefly mentioned this, but the best way to get your blog noticed easily is to write a guest blog post.

This will technically not really increase your blog traffic.

And it might only give you a small amount of traffic the first few days of participating, but it is a great way to build authority. 

The goal here is to build your brand, be everywhere, be mentioned and ultimately grow your authority. 

And guest posting is the best way to do just that. 

Ideally, you want to guest post on blogs that have higher authority than you but are in your niche or related niche. 

I find some of my best guest posting collaborations in Facebook Groups for Bloggers!

You can also do a quick search on Google for your niche + write for us. 

So for example – “Beauty blogs write for us”. 

And read up on what is required before pitching to them.

Here is a perfect example of a mom blogger looking for guest bloggers: 

Write for us mom blogger7. Network with other bloggers 

Another successful way I have been able to get my blog noticed is to network with other bloggers. 

This has opened up so many doors as these bloggers now either naturally mention me in Facebook groups, emails, on their own blogs and so on. 

For me, that is a great success. 

Don’t be afraid to reach out to a blogger or two and form a close tight network. 

This way, you can bounce off ideas, collaborate on paid work or even tap in on each other’s networks. 

Here are a few people you can network with:

8. Turn your readers into repeat readers 

The best way to ensure people return to your blog is to always write and share epic content. 

That one you should know. 

But another amazing way to turn your current readers into repeat readers and eventually buyers is to start and grow your email list.

This way, you can nurture them, share more useful and valuable content, and then eventually pitch them your products or affiliate products. 

Are you struggling to see big growth in your email list?

There are a ton of people out there just waiting to join your list.

You just need to find them.

I suggest joining this free workshop to learn more about how to get your first 1000 email subscribers.

And if you are not sure what to send your subscribers, I use Kate Doster’s Newsletter planner

What tp sed your9. Share your content frequently  

Blogging requires you to be active. 

This means that you are showing up, doing the work and promoting your blog. I personally spend about 20% creating consistent content and the rest of the time promoting it. 

The more I share my work, the more email subscribers I get, the more blog traffic I get and the more income I am able to make with my blog and products.

Ideally, you want to set your blog sharing strategy on autopilot.

SmarterQueue is what I recommend for auto-pilot sharing.

By using a system that allows your posts to be shared automatically and consistently, not only does this free up your time, you can ensure that your work is getting out there even when busy.

I use Tailwind for my Pinterest Automation and it is what brings me over 150, 000 pageviews to my blog each month. 

10. Get mentioned in the press 

Want to get your blog noticed?

Go big and get mentioned in large press publications. 

Can you really get mentioned in the press even if you are a small-time blogger? Yes, you can. 

I recommend and use H.A.R.O. 

H.A.R.O stands for Help A Reporter Out and is a source for news people (traditional and new media) to find sources for their stories quickly.

Once you sign up, you will receive about 2 to 3 inquires a week from reporters asking questions. 

Your best bet is to answer as many inquiries as you can in your niche and hopefully get an SEO backlink or even credibility. 

This is how many bloggers get featured in big publications such as Business Insider, Forbes, Lifehacker and many more others. 

You can sign up for H.A.R.O right here.

This is really one of the best ways to get your blog noticed. 

It’s not easy to get mentioned, but keep pushing, responding and ensuring you are putting your blog out there. 

11. Answer questions in Q & A sites

First, let me start by saying that getting your blog noticed does require a lot of work. 

But you do need to choose and work on things that will bring you the most benefit. 

For me, Q & A sites are great but take up a lot of my time and I do this task maybe every 3 months depending on what I have going.

You can drive a little traffic to your blog with Q & A sites by:

  • Including a link to your blog site in your Q&A profiles
  • Writing informative answers and leading them to your blog posts for more answers
  • Linking specific posts to your answers where applicable 

The best Q & A sites are Quora, Yahoo Answers, and StackExchange!

12. Get Your Blog Noticed on Pinterest 

As you know, Pinterest is an amazing tool that can help you get massive blog traffic if used correctly!

If you did not know, Pinterest has been in the game since 2010 and since bloggers discovered its marketing power, they have used it to get noticed ever since. 

It has definitely grown to be one of the second-largest traffic sources in the world.

Make sure you are also using the best Pinterest tools for business to get the most out of your Pinterest marketing efforts. 

How can you ensure that your blog gets noticed on Pinterest? 

  • Ensure you pin consistently 
  • Make sure you create pin-worthy images 
  • Create multiple pins for your blog 
  • Pinterest likes fresh pins (repin less, create more fresh)
  • Have a Pinterest Marketing Strategy – I use this one!
  • Use Pin templates like this one – Feminine Canva Pinterest Templates (It’s what I use to get 150, 000 page views on Pinterest)

Feminine Canva Pinterest templates for Bloggers. feminine pinterest templates for Canva - these are fully customizable to match your brand - change the colors, fonts, images and more! All you need is a free Canva account to make pin design much easier and much faster! #pinteresttemplates #canvatemplates #pinterest #pindesign

13. Share Your Blog on Social Media

They are so many amazing social media platforms you can use to promote your blog, but I will suggest mastering 1 or 2 platforms first. 

Social media takes a lot of time and by focusing on a few at a time, you will give yourself a better opportunity to get noticed effortlessly. 

How do you come up with the best place to promote your blog? 

You want to go where your audience hangs out. 

When you search for things in your niche, where do you personally go to find inspiration? 

Is it Instagram? Maybe it’s Pinterest and Twitter. 

Or maybe your audience hangs out on TikTok! 

As always we always recommend diversifying your blog income, and the same goes for social media.

So, find a social media platform that works for you and master that if you want to get your blog noticed!

If Instagram is your jam, don’t forget to use this epic tool to create a scroll-stopping Instagram feed!

For others, Twitter works best for them, in this case, you might want to learn how to get a following on Twitter and get blog traffic.

Don’t forget that you could use other social media platforms like Triberr and Viral Content Bee to help get your blog noticed on social media as well. 

14. Share Other People’s Work 

If you want to get your blog noticed especially by huge bloggers and publications, be sure to share their content frequently on Twitter, on Pinterest or giving them a shout on Instagram! 

This helps boost your authority in your niche and it will give other influencers a chance to notice you as well.

Ensure that when they land on your blog that you have quality posts and you have an epic About Us Page like these ones.

By doing this, some of these bloggers may share your work as well, they might include you in their own posts or maybe reach out for a collaboration.

And don’t hesitate to link to authority sites as well in your blog posts. This is a great way to get your blog noticed by big blogs as they can see who links out to them. 

15. Get Your Blog Noticed by Offering Free

Freebies will make your blog successful.

I got this epic secret from Suzi of Start A Mom Blog, not only does she share a lot of epic information packed with value, but she gives a lot of free resources. 

All her resources are extremely useful and this has allowed her readers and audience to trust whatever product she puts out. 

By creating trust, your audience will buy from you over and over without question as you already earned their trust simply by giving away plenty of free resources.

Here are a few freebies I have personally enjoyed from Suzi:

The perfect blog plan to make thousands of dollars per month!

16. Craft Great Headlines if You Want to Get Noticed on Google

What happens if you do get your post on the first page of Google but no one clicks over? 

Well, Google will stop showing your content on that page as they will get the impression that your blog is just not that good. 

What makes a good blog headline? 

A great title definitely triggers emotions such as happiness, shock, curiosity, etc. 

You also want a title that promises a reward or promises great value.

Don’t forget to include your epic keyword in your blog title so Google immediately knows what your blog post is about. 

In order to stand out and get your blog noticed, you need to make sure your title is as catchy as possible. 

Here are a few viral headline examples you can learn from! 

I really recommend using a headline analyzer tool to help craft epic blog titles. I use the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer for this. 

17. Get Your Blog Noticed by Writing Epic Content

Create super useful and helpful content that people just want to read over and over. 

So what exactly is great content or epic content?

In my opinion, great content is content that solves a problem. Ultimately, you want your readers and followers to get results after reading your blog.

If your content does that, then you have an amazing post.

Ensure your blog posts are packed with useful information without overwhelming the reader.

Be sure to read this post where I touch more on the best tips on how to write a blog post for maximum impact!

What exactly makes a good blog post? 

A good post is one that speaks to your target audience, it answers your readers’ questions and concerns thoroughly.

This means they are not hitting back to go back to Google to find another answer.

Your blog post also has to be quick and easy to read. And do not forget your call to action (direct your readers to what your end goal is)!

If you want to boost your blog traffic you may need this:

Blog Traffic Simplified Mock up 2

18. Comment On Other Blogs

There is a whole debate on whether leaving thoughtful comments is useful or not. 

In my honest opinion, comments take time and it gives you little results for the efforts you put in. 

However, leaving really thoughtful and relevant comments on other blogs enhances and expands on the topic at hand. 

And if you comment a lot more than “nice post“, “this post is really interesting” or “thank you for sharing“, you will have better results. 

The more thoughtful comments you leave, the more likely people might click over to your profile to see what you are all about.

If you are not sure about how to get your blog noticed with blog commenting, you might want to check out this epic article I read on Bloggers Passion. 

They really go into so much detail about blog commenting and how to successfully do it

19. Get noticed with the right blogging theme

If you want to stand out and be known, be sure you are using the right theme. 

Did you know that some themes can also slow down your site? 

So you definitely want to pick and choose a theme that is fast, one that is great with SEO and something that is visually pleasing. 

You can choose to have and use free blog themes, but in my opinion, they do no justice for you as everyone else is using free.

For a small price, you can definitely purchase a great theme that you can then customize to your liking.  

Avoid themes that require you to add several plugins to work!

I love all products from the Bluchic Store and I personally use this blogging theme. 

20. Keep Your Blog Simple 

Most people feel that they need to have all these things going on their blogs for it to be successful. 

But to be honest, simple is more. Busy websites typically distract the readers from what you are trying to achieve.

If you want someone to sign up for your list, but you are distracting them with all sorts of things, then they might miss the sign-up page altogether.

A few ways to get your blog noticed is to go as simple as you can, this means:

  • Keeping your sidebar simple with little widgets 
  • If you make money using ads, which is not a bad thing, don’t have too many
  • Use easy to read fonts and ensure your fonts are large & easy to read
  • If you want readers to sign up for your freebie, get to the point and make it simple

21. Share your blog on Social Bookmarking Sites

In order to get your blog noticed quickly, I would suggest submitting your posts to social bookmarking sites frequently.

Pick a niche-specific bookmaking site to promote your blog posts.

Here a few popular ones:

And there you have it, a list of 21 amazing ways to get your blog noticed effortlessly. 

For those that are seriously having a hard time making any money online, you might want to grab my 12 tip freebie

I share a few epic things I have personally done to boost income when things seem to go down. 

12 reasons your blog is not making money

How long does it take to get your blog noticed in 2021?

This will depend on the effort you put into creating quality content and promoting your blog. 

For my new blog, because of great this great SEO strategy, I was able to get some great keywords on page 1 in no time. 

I suggest using all our suggestions on getting your blog noticed by simply creating epic content, promoting it on social media and especially using influence outreach to build easy backlink opportunities. 

These will help your blog get noticed on Google and other platforms much faster. 

Related posts:

Here are few amazing ways how to get your blog noticed. How to get your blog noticed when you’re brand new. Starting a blog is hard, you write a lot of great content, but no one is visiting. Learning how to get your blog seen is challenging. Here are 21 things you can do to learn how to get your blog out there to help you learn how to turn your blog into a business #getyourblognoticed #getreaders #blogtraffic

Here are few amazing ways how to get your blog noticed. How to get your blog noticed when you’re brand new. Starting a blog is hard, you write a lot of great content, but no one is visiting. Learning how to get your blog seen is challenging. Here are 21 things you can do to learn how to get your blog out there to help you learn how to turn your blog into a business #getyourblognoticed #getreaders #blogtrafficIf you enjoyed our blog we would like to have you join our email list and receive weekly money-making tips, you can join now! Don’t forget to like the Facebook pageThe page is created to share your work, pitch your services and learn from other experienced bloggers!

***We would like to note that this post and most posts on our blog may contain affiliate links. This means that if you purchase something that has an affiliate link, we will get a commission from it. Not all items recommended on our site are affiliate links. We only recommend items that we have used and tried. These items have brought us much success and we highly recommend them to you in order to be successful. Thank you for your trust!

How To Get Your Blog Noticed in 2021- 21 Creative Ways That Work Effectively