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Last Updated on January 24, 2021 by NandiNN

Books on Blogging for Beginners

Do you want to take your blog and business to the next level? Consider purchasing books on blogging or even courses.

Ladies Make Money Online (LMMO) is a platform designed to help new bloggers, small bloggers, and other bloggers to monetize their online business.

And in order to properly do that, you need to educate yourself consistently, you need to understand your niche and become known as the go-to person in your blog niche.

There is no way I could be as successful as I am today without investing in some of these books and courses. 

The best books for bloggers that we found helpful and entertaining. These are the best books to get you started with blogging and on the track to success.

As a busy female entrepreneur, I not only here to support other women entrepreneurs, but I also use my time wisely. 

My blog was started as a business with the full purpose of earning me $5,000 per month blogging.

And without the help of these books for bloggers, there was no way I was going to make it. 

I would have eventually, but I would have wasted so much time and money during my journey to success. 

The mistakes I have made throughout the years (SMH), could have easily been avoided by investing in the right blogging tools to take me where I needed to. 

It is now harder to make money online than it was before. 

But with the right direction, tips, and proper formatting of your online blog, you can take it from making nothing to making a full-time income working from home. 

I have also made it a habit of learning from these top female bloggers as well as spending some quality time listening to great podcasts designed for bloggers

Even with all the information, I found on the internet, I quickly learned that this wasn’t enough.

I needed to find the best courses and books about blogging to take my business to the next level.

Finding the best books on blogging can be challenging if you do not have anything to go by. 

My suggestions below are some of the best books about blogging for money or if you are starting out, you can definitely find some great books about blogging for beginners. 

Why Invest in Books on Blogging?

We understand and appreciate that you might not have the money to invest in yourself!

But if you are really serious about making money online especially with your blog, you need to invest something to get back something.

If you want to specialize in something, you need to have credentials to back it up.

Google even announced that they are ranking pages from people with credentials above anyone else (E.A.T)!

Which makes investing in blogging books or using your background education a must.

You can definitely learn from your own trials and errors, but how long will that take you?

1 year or maybe even 5 years?

All that money spent trying to make your way around the blogging world could have been invested in better places to really boost your business.

But what if you are already an expert in your niche?

For example, I happen to have a wedding blog because I am a wedding planner and I wanted the opportunity to share my thoughts. 

I thought no one could tell me anything about weddings and event planning. 

But after taking this course and that course, I found that I  didn’t really know what I was doing when it came to actually blogging about weddings for success.

I was writing what I considered to be the best articles on the subject, but without doing much research, everything I wrote in 1.5 years barely ranked on Google.

Although I knew everything about weddings, I really didn’t know how to rank my articles on Google. 

I had a basic understanding of keyword research but I missed out on a lot of critical things. 

After adjusting and making changes to a few posts, I started to rank and brands started to notice me. 

As the owner of 3 now successful online blogs, I have taken several online courses and I have read a lot of reputable books on blogging to help build the success I now have.

Some blogging books were really expensive and others were extremely affordable.

Just like you wouldn’t hire a lawyer that did not successfully complete law school and pass the bar, I will not purchase a product from someone that may not have educated themselves first on a particular topic.

I want to know I am investing in a business or company that has taken the time to invest in themselves as well.

So, if you want to make money with your own blog, take the time to invest in yourself. 

How much should you invest in books about blogging and other courses?

There is no need to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on courses or books about blogging.

In fact, I know of some bloggers that are obsessed with buying courses but spend little to no time fully implementing what they learned. 

Implementing one or two things on a handful of blogs will not make a difference. 

You really need to either go back and correct any mistakes you have previously made or move forward and implement the new strategies moving forward.

They are definitely plenty of information you can find on the internet yourself but that could take hours. 

Don’t get me wrong, I love to read and do research of my own. 

For example, when my Amazon Affiliate income would just not increase, I stumbled upon Jennifer’s post from Pot Pie Girl on how to pick the right products from Amazon to promote as well as those that convert well.

I knew I had struck gold and I kept reading all her recommendations

I even really enjoyed this other post from her on how long it could take for a new blogger to make $500 a month.

As you can see, reading up definitely pays off but a great blogging eBook is equally as valuable and will get you the results faster. 

So how much should you really invest in books about blogging?

But before we get started on the best books for blogging for money, we would love for you to join our growing Facebook group right here! Be sure to give us a quick follow on Instagram as well! 

We also wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that we use Affiliate links on some of our blog posts. This means that we could make a commission if you click on an affiliate link and purchase something. Please check out our full disclaimer and policy page here.

They are plenty of valuable books on blogging and courses that teach you amazing tips to get from nothing to something.

And they are all sorts of price tags that are affiliated with these products. 

But you want to ensure that spending $10.00 on an eBook will give you the action-packed education that you need to turn your blog into a passionate and successful online business.

Otherwise, I would suggest spending a little more on the same course from someone who is much more experienced and will get you the results.

Do what’s good for your business to succeed.

Start investing slowly and as your business grows, definitely put more into it to get a better outcome and results that your readers truly deserve.

We are going to share with you some of the most valuable and trusted books for bloggers as well as online courses that you can invest in today in order to grow your blog more quickly.

These courses and books about blogging will help you succeed and give you a clear path to the strategies you need to actually implement in order to see growth.

I have personally taken all the courses I recommend and only promote those that I have given me the best results based on money spent, the value of the course and the expertise of the teacher.

I will be focusing on books on blogging and courses about blogging that will actually help you.

I will continue investing in my business as it grows but the lessons I have learned so far have helped me already and I am currently okay with not purchasing for a while. 

You might also like: Why Passive Income is the best way to Monetize your blog

Best Books on Blogging for Money & Courses to take

We are now going to share our best books for bloggers as well as courses you must take if you wish to take your blog to the next level. 

Some of the books recommended have been turned into courses for an easy update but other than that you get actionable tips that you can implement. 

I will try to recommend them in order of importance but they have all done significant and positive help to my blog.

Here is a list of the best blog books: 

We hope you are ready to invest in some quality education for your business and starting with these best blog books will definitely take you to the next level. 

Don’t forget to grab your kindle unlimited plan to read books on Amazon. 

Here are the best books about blogging for bloggers who want to make money blogging. Grab any of these business books for bloggers and online entrepreneurs to take your blog to the next level. If you a girl boss be sure to read these blogging books #booksforbloggers #bloggingtips

1. Stupid Simple SEO (SSS)

Okay, if there is one course you definitely need to invest in, it is Stupid Simple SEO. 

If you have to stop drinking coffee for a year or if you have to put $6 aside for a whole year to get this course, you better do it.

First, I wish this course was available when I first started blogging as I could have literally saved myself from all the embarrassing mistakes I made with my blog. 

And second, I kick myself for not purchasing it when Mike first launched it. 

Now, this is my bible and my go-to blogging course before I sit to write any post. 

Before I go any further, you need to sign up for 5 The SEO Starter Pack (Free video Training) to get your blog in shape. 

Next, we want you to read how you can a blog from $0 to making over $95,000 in Amazon affiliate sales using SEO!

What really got me whipping out my credit to purchase SSS was a review post I read from one of my favorite lifestyle bloggers.

They started the blog around the same time as I did and due to Stupid Simple SEO she was able to go from $3,000 to $10,000 a month using SEO.

And I am so glad I did!

Keyword research and writing epic content that people are actually looking for is amazing!

If you heavily rely on Pinterest as I did, it’s time to properly implement SEO especially when Pinterest traffic dips (which happens often lately)!Stupid simple SEO for bloggers. A course on how to use SEO to build a successful and profitable blog. He is how to use SEO to build a blog. Join Stupid Simple SEO today #stupidsimpleseo #seotips #bloggingtips Related: 

2. Stand Out: How to find a breakthrough idea and build a following around it

In order to be successful, you need to be absolutely different from everyone else. 

We can all be lifestyle bloggers or bloggers that blog about frugal living, but what makes YOU different from the next blogger?

This is where Dorie Clarks comes in! 

She has one of the best books for bloggers looking for a way to stand out from the competition.

Dorie believes that to make a name for yourself, you have to capitalize on your unique perspective and knowledge and inspire others to listen and take action. 

And this is my principle as well.

If you want to know more about how to stand out, be sure to grab Stand Out today! 

It also includes interviews with Seth Godin, Dan Pink, David Allen, Robert Cialdini, and other thought leaders which makes it one of the best blogging books.

3. The Essential Habits Of 6-Figure Bloggers

In order to make money with your blog, you need to develop amazing blogging habits. 

Have you ever wondered why some bloggers earn six- or even seven-figure incomes while most struggle to make their first $1000?

What strategies, habits, or systems have led to their success?

The best book on blogging that goes into detail about really monetizing, is this one. 

This amazing book interviews over 17 top bloggers across various niches including some of my favorite bloggers. 

By reading this book you will learn from top bloggers, master the three success habits, and create a six-figure blog that leverages your unique talents and experiences.

You’ll find easy step-by-step instructions on how to:

  • Pick a blogging niche that is profitable and exciting
  •  Create content you and your readers love
  • Earn money from your blog – using six proven monetization strategies
  • Create systems to stay on track – even when the going gets tough

And so much more!

Want a copy of the best book on blogging? Get it now!

The best books on blogging is the essential habits of 6-figure bloggers where we examine what it takes to be a successful blogger. #6figureblogger #makemoneyblogging #bloggingtips

4. Traffic Transformation Guide 

As much as everyone is stuck hard on focusing on Pinterest, you also need proper SEO, proper link building strategies and this is all included in this amazing blogging course that uses cool strategies to skyrocket blog traffic.

This blogger went from getting 17 thousand page views to over 400 thousand plus in page views in just 10 months. 

It includes an amazing step-by-step video with the simple methods she uses to find keywords and optimize a blog post to rank high in Google results (using her own #1 ranking post to show you how!). 

This is one of the best blogging courses we have taken to date in terms of increasing blog traffic. Read the full description of what is included right here site


Traffic transformation guide by lena gott on how to increase your blog traffic today. Learn the tips you need to boost your blog traffic right now. #bloggingtips #blogtraffic

PS: Grab this FREE Blog Traffic Bonus Guide

5. eBook Creation Guide 

If you are looking at creating a product to sell to your audience, then this eBook is the best route for new bloggers.

Lena Gott does a fantastic job of showing you how to create a successful product (specifically an eBook) to make yourself some passive income each month. 

Simple Ebook Creation holds your hand & walks you through the process of creating a fantastic eBook.

It prevents you from overthinking each step & getting in your own way of publishing on schedule!

Hands down one of the best blogging books on product creation we have seen. 

6. How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul 

Ruth Soukup is a writer, blogger, mom of two, and the successful founder of the blog

Whether you have been blogging for years or just a few weeks, “How to Blog For Profit (Without Selling Your Soul)” offers solid advice and practical action plans for creating an authentic, successful, and profitable blog.

If you are looking for the best books about blogging, then you will love this one. 

Ruth Soukup shares how she grew her own blog, Living Well Spending Less, to over one million monthly visitors, earns a full-time income, and still is able to write about the things she truly cares about.

Learn more about this amazing blogging book right here. 

How to blog for profit without selling your soul by Ruth Soukup. Do you want to earn a living doing what you love? Then grab this book about blogging for money. #blogformoney #bloggingtips #makemoneyblogging

7. Backlinks for SEO: A Strong Strategy for Blog Traffic

Okay, this one is golden. 

This is one of the best blogging books on finding natural backlinks with little effort.

Did you know that having as many natural and healthy backlinks directed back to your site improves your Google ranking by a lot?

When I had an SEO Expert last year, I didn’t expect to get knocked off my feet with amazing information.

Using SEO and your Google Analytics to grow your blog is the best strategy I have ever received. 

If you are interested in non-tech ways to improve your On-Page SEO for Beginners and as well as how to get Easy Backlinks for SEO, I highly suggest these books. 

If you want to learn more about Backlinks for SEO: A Strong Strategy for Blog Traffic, we have a post for you to read.

Easy on page seo for beginners. Learn everything you need to know about SEO today #bloggingseo #seobooks

8. She Means Business: Turn Your Ideas into Reality and Become a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur

Are you ready to turn your ideas into reality and build a wildly successful business?

With a computer and an Internet connection, you can get your ideas, messages, and business out there like never before and create so much success.

In this book, Carrie Green shows you how.

Carrie started her first online business at the age of 20 – she knows what it’s like to be an ambitious and creative woman with big dreams and huge determination.

Grab She Means Business today!

She Means Business: Turn Your Ideas into Reality and Become a Wildly Successful Entrepreneur. Here is the best blogging books to help grow your business #booksforblogging #bloggingtips

9. Blog Income Strategies Simplified

If you are looking for the best books on how to make money blogging, then you might want to grab my blogging book. 

I had to leave the best for last right? 

Not only is this simple to follow, but I broke down the steps into bit sizes so you can follow step by step, the strategies you need to put in place to finally see an income. 

The strategies are what you need as a blogger to diversify your income because we all know how much diversification is crucial to our success. 

You will find plenty of blogger books out there, but Blog Income Strategies Simplified focuses on ways to make consistent INCOME with your blog by setting up REAL systems that work over and over with little effort.

If you are tired of seeing other bloggers making all the big bucks then this is for you!

Learn how to monetize your blog even with little traffic.

This is one of the top-recommended books on blogging for beginners.

Grab it right here if you want to start making money.

Blog income strategies for bloggers

A lot of you had these amazing questions for me:  

  • What is the best book for a beginner blogger?

  • What books on blogging can be recommended for a blog starter?

  • What is the best book to improve my blogging skills?

  • What are some best books for learning YouTube and blogging?

If you have any of the questions, these books will definitely answer them all and you will become a successful blog in no time if you implement what you learn.

We hope this post was as helpful to you. 

Have you read other books about blogging that you want to share? 

Tell us in the comments below. 

Other Blogging Books 2021:

Free blog planner for blogs. best planner for bloggers!

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***We would like to note that this post and most posts on our blog may contain affiliate links. This means that if you purchase something that has an affiliate link, we will get a commission from it. Not all items recommended on our site are affiliate links. We only recommend items that we have used and tried. These items have brought us much success and we highly recommend them to you in order to be successful. Thank you for your trust!

The Best Books About Blogging In 2021 and Online Courses For True Success