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Last Updated on May 13, 2019 by NandiNN

Self-Care Practices to Help Rejuvenate the Mind

Are you constantly on the go and trying to stay ahead of everyone? Or maybe you have been stressed out lately due to lack of motivation, feeling failure or discouraged! Then it’s clearly time to practice self-care! 

I am a female entrepreneur and blogger. Lately, in a few Facebook groups that I am part of, I have been feeling a lot of stress, pressure and noticing bad talk from other entrepreneurs!

I think everyone is feeling slightly pressured to do well and things are just not going the way we want them too! 

If blog traffic is down, or Pinterest is just killing you or the business is not going the way you want it to go, it really is time to step back and regroup! 

This goes for everyone else. If you are busy at your current 9-5 job or you are self-employed with multiple responsibilities, then its just time to take care of yourself and come back better with a bang! 

But before we get started on the best ways to practice self-love, we would love for you to join our growing Facebook group right here! 

We also wanted to take the opportunity to let you know that we use Affiliate links on some of our blog posts. This means that we could make a commission if you click on an affiliate link and purchase something. Please check out our full disclaimer and policy page here.

Why You Should Care for Yourself?

Practicing self-care should be part of your daily routine if you can fit it in somehow! And they are really simple ways to add self-care into your day to day life that we will discuss later. 

It is crucial to know that above all, you come first!

Otherwise, you may not be able to fully serve those around you and those that rely on you! 

Be sure to schedule some “me time” a few minutes per day or even once a week! In other words, find time to practice self-care! 


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Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care

Seriously, even the busy Princess, Meghan Markle is able to practice self-care by waking up at 4:30 am to do some morning yoga

Practice self-care by working out. Meghan Markle does yoga.

Image source: morning yoga

Not taking care of yourself can lead to serious issues such as nervous and mental breakdowns, exhaustion and sometimes dehydration.

Some cases have also led to severe depression which can be hard to overcome.

It’s best to know how to practice self-care even if you are depressed, stressed or always on the go! 

Why you should practice self-care in order to be a successful entrepreneur! Practicing self-love is essential to staying healthy and great for the mind. A list of 10 ways to practice Self-care and reduce stress #motivation #selfcare #selflove

Start practicing self-care with these 10 easy tips: 

1// Get Some Sleep/ Rest 

In order to be productive at work, in your business or even when running a blog full-time, you need to have a sharp mind! Letting your mind rest (as in fully rest) is crucial to your success! 

In otherwise shut your mind off to any destructions or thoughts that can prevent you from fully enjoying a good night sleep or a late afternoon nap! 

As an entrepreneur myself, my mind is always racing to things I should be doing, and what I should do tomorrow or the day after that!

This means I am never really resting, instead, I am planning for my next moves almost all the time! 

To help with this, I have my bullet Journal by my side or in my purse to write down notes for the next time! 

I also ensure that my place of rest is free of clutter and I sometimes burn my favorite scented candle to relax my mind! 

You can also take a nice bath before bed to relax your mind! 

Why you should practice self-care in order to be a successful entrepreneur! Practicing self-love is essential to staying healthy and great for the mind. A list of 10 ways to practice Self-care and reduce stress #motivation #selfcare #selflove

2// Eat Healthy Food

We all know that we should be eating healthy and more consistently! And as a busy entrepreneur, simple things like eating can pass us by as we are too busy building our empires! 

How many of you truly only have a cup of tea or coffee and call that breakfast?

How many of you tend to skip lunch because time escaped us?

Done it, been there and it’s not fun! 

Eating and multitasking is also not the route you want to go if your goal is to practice self-care! As an entrepreneur, it is crucial that you eat a well balanced and healthy meal at least 3 times a day! 

Your meal will nourish not only your body but your mind as well! 

Why you should practice self-care in order to be a successful entrepreneur! Practicing self-love is essential to staying healthy and great for the mind. A list of 10 ways to practice Self-care and reduce stress #motivation #selfcare #selflove

3// Practice Yoga or Meditate 

2 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter, I joined a prenatal yoga class! And it was the best thing ever! 

I did it once a week, in the evening and it was practiced with deemed lights and soft music! It was the most relaxing thing ever! 

It was my way of escaping the day where I blogged full-time and enjoying time with my soon-to-bebaby!

And I still practice it today and it’s a good way to give my mind a break from all the blogging and entrepreneur lifestyle which can easily suck you in! 

Give yoga or meditation a try! Once a week is enough and it’s the best way to practice self-care and get in touch with your inner self! 

Why you should practice self-care in order to be a successful entrepreneur! Practicing self-love is essential to staying healthy and great for the mind. A list of 10 ways to practice Self-care and reduce stress #motivation #selfcare #selflove

4// Read a Good Book

Reading a good book from time to time is great for the mind! 

You will get new ideas that can help inspire you further in your day to day life of an entrepreneurship! 

Or if you work 9-5, it will build your mind up to more creativity and boost your work productivity

Reading makes you feel relaxed, brings peace and it is a great way to escape the chaotic life we all live in. This should be part of how you practice self-care routine as it has a lot of amazing benefits!

A few amazing books I have read in the past:

Why you should practice self-care in order to be a successful entrepreneur! Practicing self-love is essential to staying healthy and great for the mind. A list of 10 ways to practice Self-care and reduce stress #motivation #selfcare #selflove

5// Listen to the Best PodCasts

As an entrepreneur and blogger, I found listening to podcasts to be a blessing! I tend to listen to them when I am at the gym, driving to run errands or taking a walk which is good for you!

Sometimes reading can take you away from multitasking the small things you need to get done.

So I found a way to continue to learn, relax and enjoy blogging by listening to podcasts! 

Listening to podcasts is how I practice self-care almost daily! It truly does relax me! 

A few of the best podcasts I listen to help me with my online business and blog include: 

These are just to name a few! Here is a list of 11 Inspirational Podcasts for Bloggers and Women Entrepreneurs.  

Why you should practice self-care in order to be a successful entrepreneur! Practicing self-love is essential to staying healthy and great for the mind. A list of 10 ways to practice Self-care and reduce stress #motivation #selfcare #selflove

6// Keep Track of your Accomplishments

We are all so busy being hard on ourselves that we never really see how far we have come! I personally monetize and work on 3 blogs full-time at the moment! Two years ago, I wouldn’t have believed it. 

Even running one business or blog is an AMAZING accomplishment

Taking the time to recognize how far you have come and what you have accomplished is essential to your self-care!

Whether you work a 9-5 and finally got that raise, promotion or corner office, give yourself time to appreciate that! 

And if you have finally started a blog, this is so HUGE on so many levels! So go ahead and give yourself that pat! 

Please leave us a comment telling us what you have accomplished, we would love to celebrate with you! We are all about helping you focus on practicing self-care!


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7// Express Gratitude

We do tend to take a lot for granted! Others have no jobs, some are on the verge of eviction. No matter the situation, be grateful for what you have no matter how little! 

Do you have clothes, is your business successful, do you have an amazing family or group of friends? Well, you have to feel lucky! 

When you practice self-care, it’s important to take a little break and appreciate the things that you do have! 

Why you should practice self-care in order to be a successful entrepreneur! Practicing self-love is essential to staying healthy and great for the mind. A list of 10 ways to practice Self-care and reduce stress #motivation #selfcare #selflove

8// Unplug

Social media is extremely destructing and we spend way too much time on these platforms. 

As an entrepreneur, I understand how important it is to be on social media, connecting and promoting yourself and the business!

But sometimes, it just sucks way too much precious time from us. 

One moment you are trying to find a way to grow your Instagram followers and the next you just spent one hour on the platform scrolling! 

It’s best to practice self-care and take the time to enjoy things around you!

Shut off your computer, turn off your phone and enjoy your life as it is happening! Even famous celebrities do this from time to time. 

9// Indulge

You deserve it! 

You have worked hard for days, weeks, months and in some cases years! It’s time to reward yourself and spend some good old love on yourself! 

In other words, treat yourself! 

Buy that pair of awesome heels, or that purse or maybe just spend the day at the spa! 

Either way, spend some money on yourself. It doesn’t have to be $1000 dollars! But just find a way to pay yourself back for all the hard work! You will instantly feel rewarded! 

Why you should practice self-care in order to be a successful entrepreneur! Practicing self-love is essential to staying healthy and great for the mind. A list of 10 ways to practice Self-care and reduce stress #motivation #selfcare #selflove

10// Spend Quality Time with Loved Ones

And our last tip on easy ways to practice self-love is to spend quality time with the ones you love. 

I typically turn off all phones and computer destruction as soon as my family is home. This is our family time as we have spent almost 10 hours apart during the day either from working, daycare or other commitments! 

Your family and friends deserve to have your full attention at some point, be sure to spend some quality time with them! 

And a bonus tip: If you are an entrepreneur, one who works from home, find a group of other entrepreneurs and spend some time with them at least once a month! 

This is great for boosting self-esteem! 

Why you should practice self-care in order to be a successful entrepreneur! Practicing self-love is essential to staying healthy and great for the mind. A list of 10 ways to practice Self-care and reduce stress #motivation #selfcare #selflove

Find more amazing Blogging and Entrepreneurship tips here! 

Ready to Practice Self-Care?

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10 Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care for Busy Entrepreneurs and Bloggers