What Can I Use A Personal Loan for Finding ways to use a personal loan for good is the best thing you can ever do for your finances. Getting a personal loan is not necessarily a bad thing. A lot of financial adviser actually caution against the use of personal loans or borrowing money as […]
7 Time Management Hacks Every Freelancer Should Know
How to Manage Time Wisely Are you an entrepreneur looking for time management hacks? There are many myths surrounding freelancing work, all of which makes freelancing seem like the perfect job since you’re your own boss and you work your own hours. All these notions do not acknowledge the fact that most freelancers find themselves […]
What Makes A Good Blog Post? Tips for Writing Engaging Content
Writing Engaging Content to Attract Readers So what makes a good blog post? Have you ever thought about a fact that your reader has access to thousands of alternative sources with useful information? Yup, competition among the bloggers is intense and you have to work really hard to attract your target audience’s attention! You should […]
11 Online Shopping Hacks Every Girl Must Know to Save Money
Amazing Ways to Save Money Shopping Online I personally love to shop online specifically at Target and Amazon! If you are a big online shopper like I am, you need to know about these online shopping hacks to help you save money. Target used to have a few home bases here in Canada and they […]
Become A Pinterest Virtual Assistant That Actually Makes Good Money
Starting a Freelance Pinterest Assistant Business Are you looking for ways to make extra money online? Or are you looking for work from home opportunities that will actually pay well? If so, then becoming a Pinterest Virtual Assistant might just be the job for you! If the thought of making extra money using social media […]
11+ Inspirational Podcasts for Bloggers and Women Entrepreneurs
Good Podcasts to Listen to Grow your blog by listening to Podcasts for bloggers created by bloggers. As a female entrepreneur and creative blogger, I find myself eager to learn something new daily as a way to improve myself mentally as well as to grow my online business. I spent the majority of this year […]
19 Astonishing New Year’s Resolution Ideas you NEED TO TRY
Unique New Year’s Resolution Ideas If you are like me, setting new year’s resolutions is a way to start the year fresh, learn and improve yourself. To do this, many people tend to come up with a few New Year’s Resolution ideas to get them started. With the New Year just around the corner, we […]
Money Saving Tips for Stay at Home Moms – 5 Ideas You Must Steal
Saving Money as A Stay at Home Mom Money saving tips for stay at home moms. Is this even possible? Being a mom is not easy work, and being a working mother takes double the effort. As you have kids and they start to grow, you begin to have larger expenses, things you need to buy […]
9 Shocking Bloggers That Make Money with Ads – How to Do It Tastefully
Ads for Blogs to Earn Money Is it possible to make money with Ads? Yes, it is! Choosing the right Ad network and monitoring your ads will help you succeed if you chose to monetize your blog using Ads! If you are looking to make passive income with your blog, then you can do this […]
10 Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care for Busy Entrepreneurs and Bloggers
Self-Care Practices to Help Rejuvenate the Mind Are you constantly on the go and trying to stay ahead of everyone? Or maybe you have been stressed out lately due to lack of motivation, feeling failure or discouraged! Then it’s clearly time to practice self-care! I am a female entrepreneur and blogger. Lately, in a few […]